Today is the birthday of Miliausha Aituganova
5 April 2023
Today is the birthday of Miliausha Aituganova – producer, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, professor of the Kazan State Institute of Culture, Director of the State Budgetary Institution of culture “Tatarkino”, Member of Journalists Union and Cinematographers Union of the Russian Federation.
Dear Miliausha Lyabibovna!
Truly happy are those who devoted all their lives to their profession, earned respect and recognition for their good deeds. And you are one of them.
Whatever job you take, you do it selflessly, putting all your strength, knowledge, abilities into it, and willingly share your experience with others.
Cinema is a timeless art. The projects you have produced and wrote (as a co-writer) will go down in history of the Tatar cinema. And there are plenty of them: “Jalanajakly kyz” (“Barefoot girl”), “Uennan ujmak” (“Game”), “Sөju kөtә jөrәk” (“Heart is waiting for love”), “Сиңа кайтам” (“I’ll come back to you”), “Ak chәchәklәr” (“White flowers”), “Tapshyrylmagan hatlar”, “Halima”, “Baigal”, “Mullah”, “Ostazbika”, “Apipa”, “Sombel”, “Tarlan”, “Bez – 41 el balalary”, “The 823rd kilometer”. The promotion of classical works from Tatarstan in international projects is the result of your perseverance and determination. In general, your effort in the adaptation of Tatar classics, your contribution to the preservation of the national spirit, identity, traditions, evokes a feeling of unreserved admiration and pride.
Your work in the field of interethnic relations and intercultural interaction also is worth attention. The main one is the management of the Kazan International Muslim Film Festival, which for many years has been helping Tatarstan cinema to take its place on the world stage in the field of cinematography, as well as strengthening international ties.
There is a proverb “Those who have work, have power”. Year by year you become wiser, more honorable, always ready to advise and help. Today you are both a support for your beloved children and parents, and a role model for our large team.
Cinematography is a complicated field of creativity. It requires daily search, striving for revival, much energy and determination.
We wish you peace of mind, cheerful mood, vital energy. Let your life be rich, bright and interesting! Let your selfless work be appreciated, let the results of your efforts be admired for many years, raising the level of national cinema!
Achieve all your goals and be happy!