Regulations Of the regional film market Of the XX “Altyn minbar” Kazan International Film Festival
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Regulations Of the regional film market Of the XX “Altyn minbar” Kazan International Film Festival

24 July 2024

General provisions

 The regional film market is one of the key events of the business platform of the XX “Altyn Minbar” Kazan International Film Festival (hereinafter Kazan Film Festival).
The business platform of the Kazan film festival is a territory of unity for the specialists in the fields of cinema, education, film industry, producers, representatives of film festivals, partners of the Kazan film festival, film forums, international film organizations, experts, and opinion leaders. The business platform provides conditions for project implementation and signing agreements in the field of cinema.


1. Combining the interests of regional filmmakers, distributors, municipal movie theaters, in particular, as well as integration of international film organizations into the regional market of the Russian Federation.
2. Compiling the films catalogue, made on the territory of the Russian Federation by regional film studios and independent filmmakers.


 The Founders of the Kazan film festival, within which the regional film market is held, are:
- the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan,
- the Centralized Muslim Religious Organization The Council of Muftis of Russia,
- the Executive Committee of the municipal education of Kazan.
- “Kinofest” LLC.


The organizer of the Regional film market is State budgetary institution of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter – GBUK RT “Tatarkino”) and “Kinofest” LLC.

The Organizer, in agreement with the founders of the Kazan film festival determines the terms and venue, develops and approves the concept of the Regional film market and the program published on the official website of the Kazan film festival

The Organizer guarantees one accredited participant of the film market to provide the accommodation and meals during the regional film market.


Regional filmmakers of the Russian Federation, foreign film studios, distributors, the representatives of municipal and private movie theater circuits, online cinemas and TV channels, production companies, independent producers, film directors, and screenwriters can participate in the regional film market.

Venue and time:

 Regional film market of the XX “Altyn Minbar” Kazan International Film Festival will be held on September 7, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the address:
Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Orenburgskiy path, bld. 3,
Kazan State Institute of Culture.

Official partners of the Regional film market:

- Kazan State Institute of Culture

Accreditation of participants

Accreditation categories:
- Participant
- Seller
Accreditation “Participant”, “Seller” includes badge with the right to participate in all events of the Business platform.
For accreditation it is necessary to confirm your participation by letter and provide the following data:

1. Name of the organization (in case of a juristic party accreditation);
2. Full name of participants, contacts (phone number, e-mail);
3. Brief information about the company (producer, director), films, link to download materials for the design of stands and presentations;
4. Planned arrival and departure dates.
Phone number for inquires:
+7 (843) 273-03-43

Accreditation is free of charge.
Participation in the course of the Regional film market is free.
Plan of events of the Business platform of the XX “Altyn Minbar” Kazan International Film Festival

September 7th
10:00 - 18:00 – The Regional film market. Presentation of film studios, distribution companies, online movie theaters, TV channels and films of independent producers and directors (Kazan, Orenburgskiy path, 3, Kazan State Institute of Culture).
September 8th
10:00 - 18.00 - International pitching of film projects (Kazan, Orenburgskiy path, 3, Kazan State Institute of Culture).

Please mind!

Photo and video shooting, audio recording, Internet and social network broadcast during the presentations and screenings are strictly forbidden.
The organizer has the right to withdraw your badge and eliminate you from the venue for violating this rule.
By agreeing to the terms of these very Regulations, the participant undertakes to monitor his health and in case of any respiratory symptoms or fever, stop attending events and apply for medical service.

Advertising opportunities

The participants of the regional film market have an opportunity to place a stand 1500x2000 in the industrial zone and to present their own content.

Accommodation of nonresident participants

Accredited hotels of the Kazan film festival
- “Davydov” hotel (Hursultan Nazarbaev str., 35А)
- “Nogai” hotel (Prosoyuznaya str., 16B