Animated film, a new program of the Kazan International Film Festival, “Altyn minbar”
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Animated film, a new program of the Kazan International Film Festival, “Altyn minbar”

20 May 2024

Best animation film is a new nomination presented within international competition at the Kazan International Film Festival “Altyn Minbar”.

In 2024, the new program will complement the official selection of feature and short films, documentaries, and the national competition. Non-competition screenings of animated films within the previous festival proved the high interest of the audience in this kind of art. In 2023, the Best National Film for Children Prize went to Sergei Kiatrov for his animated film in Tatar, “Aldermeshten Elmender”.

The program will include animated films made no earlier than 2022. The committee will select Russian and foreign animated films reflecting universal spiritual and moral values, cultural traditions conveying the ideas of peacemaking, tolerance and humanism.

The selection criteria are the following: the originality of the screenplay, characters and scenario moves’ development, the idea’s implementation, perception integrity, correspondence of the expressive means to the author’s idea and festival principles, originality and relevance of technical means and special effects.

Altyn Minbar will take place in Kazan from September 6 to 11. Those willing to submit a film for participation may send the entry forms until June 1 to

The regulations are published on the website of the film forum.

We point out that Altyn Minbar is among the projects supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

The Kazan International Film Festival is held under the support of the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, and the Ministry of Culture of Russia, as well as in partnership with Strategic Vision Group “Russia-Islamic World”.