Regulations on the pitching of film projects within the framework of XV Kazan International Festival of Muslim cinema
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Regulations on the pitching of film projects within the framework of XV Kazan International Festival of Muslim cinema

29 March 2019

on the pitching of film projects within the framework of XV Kazan International Festival of Muslim cinema 

General provisions

Pitching of film projects (hereafter – Pitching) is held within the framework of XV Kazan   International Festival of Muslim cinema (hereafter - Festival) in the city of Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan from 24 to 30 April 2019.

Organizers: The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, GBUK RT “Tatarkino” (State budgetary institution of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan “Tatarkino”), Agency for investment development of the Republic of Tatarstan, participation of the Regional department of the all-Russian public organization “Cinematographers Union of the Russian Federation” of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

Pitching (hereafter – pitching) is a public presentation and defense of film projects (scripts/script applications – synopses) before the Expert Council with the aim of finding persons or organizations interested in the implementation of the project, in accordance with time regulation, given for each project. 

The main task of the Pitching – is the stimulating the development of joint film production in the regions of Russia, including participation of foreign countries, finding new names in cinematography world, presentation of new projects and searching for fresh ideas for cinematography development, creation of a database of filmmakers from the regions of Russia and foreign countries, acquaintance of filmmakers with producers, film directors and others, interested in joint projects. The Pitching provides an opportunity for young cinematographers to implement their creative projects.


Within the framework of the Pitching educational programmes, meetings with Expert council representatives of the Pitching, trainings are held.

Executive Directorate of the Festival deals with Pitching organization, the functions of which include the following:  

·         formulation of pitching Regulations; 

·         attracting members of the Selection Committee and Expert Council from the number of the leading producers, directors, film critics, writers from Russia and other countries of the world; 

·         informational support of the event; 

·         attracting co-organizers, partners, informational partners; 

·         holding a Pitching session; 


Preliminary selection of projects for Pitching is carried out by the Selection Committee formed by the Pitching organizers.
Its functions include the following: 

·         consideration of applications from participants (application forms, synopses; scripts); 

·         evaluating participants projects; 

·         formation of the short-list; 


1. Applications from citizens or a group of citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign countries with experience in the field of film production in at least one full-length film are accepted. The applications are accepted both in English and Russian languages.

2. Works in the category "Full-length feature films"- synopses/scripts of full-length feature films are accepted for consideration.

3. Applying for Pitching and participation is free.

4. The Organizing Committee of the Festival and Pitching does not pay for the flight, accommodation and meals to the participants of the short list of Pitching. 

5. For participation in Pitching one should fill in the application form on the website

Selection of applications. 

1. Selection of applications starts with the announcement of the Pitching and ends April 1, 2019 (inclusive, at 23:59 Moscow time). Each application should contain only one project. Applications containing several script applications will not be considered. 

2. Preliminary selection for Pitching is carried out by the Selection Committee, formed by Pitching organizers. According to the results of the Selection Committee work a short list of Pitching, containing no less than 7 and no more than 10 projects is formed.

3. Participants, included in the short-list of the Pitching, should send their presentations until 15 April 2019. 


Defense of projects.

1. The authors and teams represenatatives included in the short-list of projects are obliged to full-time participation (participate in the public defense – projects pitching) in the day of the Pitching – 25 April 2019. In case of refusal of full-time participation in the defense, the Organizing Committee of the Pitching has the right to offer participation in the defense of the project to the next candidate who received the highest number of points.

2. Brief information about the authors of the projects, included in the short-list, as well as the synopses will be published on information resources of the Festival. 

3. The projects included in the short-list are evaluated by the Expert Council formed by the Executive Directorate of the Festival. When making assessments, preference will be given to projects in which Tatarstan will be involved as one of the participants in the film production process. 

4. The order of performances and presentations at the Pitching is determined by the Executive Directorate of the Festival. No more than 7 minutes are given to the project presentation. For the questions of the experts and partners of the pitching and project discussion 5 minutes are given

5. According to the results of presentations the Expert Council chooses the winners of the Pitching and gives to them certificates and prizes.

6. As a prize can be projects producing, support in film projects implementation, free provision or discounts on various types of services in the field of cinema, valuable prizes etc. 

7. The Pitching winners get an opportunity to sign an agreement for the implementation of the creative project.

Informational support.

1. The authors of the projects, included in the short-list of the Pitching, during their implementation, must post information about participation in the Pitching and the Festival logo in the final credits of the project.

2. The authors of implemented projects included in the short list of the Pitching are recommended to provide information (press release) about their project to the Executive Directorate of the Festival for publication on the websites of the organizers and for distribution to the informational partners of the Pitching and the Festival. 

3. Executive Directorate of the Festival reserves the right to use all information and materials provided by the participants of the Pitching, as well as to use the video recording of the Pitching in order to promote the achievements of the Pitching on the Internet and in the media. 


1. The Pitching participant guarantees that he / she has all the powers (possession of exclusive rights or the corresponding permission of the rightholder) to provide materials for participation in the Pitching. 

2. Responsibility for possible complaints and claims of third parties concerning copyright and related rights lies with the Pitching participant.

3. In case of claims of third parties regarding the ownership of the rights to Pitching projects (scripts and applications), the Organizing Committee reserves the right to withdraw the project of the Pitching participant from consideration until all the circumstances are clarified. 

4. Short-list participants of the Pitching must provide the copies of copyright agreements for film production as well as copies of copyright agreements on the acquisition of the exclusive right to film adaptation in the case of cinematographic use of the literary source.


Final clauses of the Pitching

1. The Executive directorate of the Fetival reserves the right to present additional (out of competition) projects within the framework of the Pitching (no more than 2 projects). 

2. Selection Committee and Expert Council reserve the right not to explain the reason for the refusal to include the project in the short list, and not to give comments. 

3. The Executive Directorate of the Festival reserves the right to make changes in the guidelines for the Pitching conduct at the time of receiving applications.

The application form can be downloaded here.

You can send your application to